Ningbo Xunshi camping gear Co., Ltd. is a large professional manufacturer and exporter of outdoor gear items. Which found on 2000′s, over than 20 years outdoor products manufacture & export experiences, Have own brand younghuntes, focus on outdoor products OEM & ODM, our products include camping tent, folding chair, trekking pole, hammock, sleeping bag, beach mat, waterproof dry bag, camping gears and other related outdoor products. Xunshi has an experienced Research & Development term to design and develop new created products. An creative and passionate sales term. Xunshi provide one-stop service for your products. The qualified service included artwork design, products concept prototype, keep up with the times to support upgraded production technology (unique surface finishing, customized logo, individual packaging) have professional term for strict quality control and costs control. With enterprise ISO9001-2000 authentication certificate & multiple products... [
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